My latest book, Invoking the Ancient Gods in You, has recently been published, with my latest perspective on the world's profound Star Myths and what they mean for our lives.

It can take a little time for a book to make its way to all the various retail channels through which it is available for purchase, but Invoking the Ancient Gods in You should now be available wherever you prefer to shop -- and if it is not there yet, you can always request they order a copy for you! 

You can also request that your local library order a copy, which makes it available for you and for others to access at no cost.

I have spent the past fifteen years researching and exploring the overwhelming evidence that the world's ancient myths are based on the stars -- to the extent that the question should no longer be in any doubt. This book adds to the evidence, but also continues my exploration of the question which naturally arises from that conclusion that the world's myths are based on the stars: the question of "WHY?"

Over the past few books, I have increasingly explored the compelling evidence that the ancient myths are using this system of metaphor in order to dramatize a subject of crucial importance: our alienation from our own Self, and in order to point our way towards recovery of Self.

In Invoking the Ancient Gods in You, I explore that explanation to a greater degree than ever before, including my latest insights in this ongoing journey of exploration.

It is my sincere hope that this book will be a blessing to you in your life.