Above is a video from CalTech showing evidence pointing to some massive but thus-far undetected object far beyond the most-distant known players in our solar system.

The video, published in 2016, features astronomers and scientists from Cal Tech who noted that "the six most-distant known objects in the solar system with orbits exclusively beyond Neptune all mysteriously align in a single direction." The scientists go on to declare that "this orbital alignment can only be maintained by some outside force." See also this imageshowing those trans-Neptunian orbits, along with the caption explaining that their strange alignment must be due to some thus-far unknown outside force.

In other words: there's something big out there.

Only some outside force with significant mass can cause all the orbits of these distant extra-Neptunian objects to be pulled in one direction relative to the sun.

For well more than a decade, Walter Cruttenden -- author of Lost Star of Myth and Time(first published in 2005) -- has been presenting evidence arguing for the conclusion that our own sun is in a binary relationship with another star, likely a very distant but very massive star.

In the years since he has been making this argument, more and more evidence continues to surface which appears to support the hypothesis that Walter has been arguing -- including the orbits discussed in the video above, which caused the scientists at Cal Tech to conclude that there must be some outside force causing these orbits to align in a single direction.

The scientists at Cal Tech posited the existence of a possible "Ninth Planet" far outside the orbits of any of the known planets. However, in the ensuing years no such planet has been found thus far.

This lack of discovery of the object whose gravity is acting upon the solar system objects which we can observe has thus caused astronomers to push their estimation of the postulated location of that hypothetical object further and further from our own sun -- and as they do so, they must then postulate that the object must be more and more massive (since it is farther and farther away, and yet still able to cause these effects on objects which we can observe in our solar system).

As Walter Cruttenden explained at this year's Conference on Precession and Ancient Knowledge, which took place this past weekend October 4th through 6th, within just the past few weeks, researchers Jakub Scholtz of Durham University and James Unwin of University of Illinois at Chicago published a paper suggesting that the "anomalous orbits of trans-Neptunian objects" might be due to the presence of a primordial black hole (PBH), which would have the necessary mass but which would be difficult to detect (and thus explain why the proposed "Planet Nine" has not yet been detected).

In any case, it certainly appears that evidence continues to arise which supports the theories that Walter Cruttenden has been arguing for more than a decade prior to the Cal Tech proposal of 2016. In other words . . . there is something big out there!

How appropriate, then, that the Conference on Precession and Ancient Knowledge, which Walter Cruttenden launched nearly twenty years ago, also explores the overwhelming evidence which points to the existence of some lost civilization of tremendous antiquity, predating the oldest conventionally-known civilizations by many thousands of years.

Just as the astronomical evidence continues to mount which points to the existence of some very massive star (or even primordial black hole) far beyond the orbit of even the most-distant known objects in our solar system, whose influence can be detected due to its effect on the orbits of planets and objects which we can observe, even so we can also see compelling evidence from around the globe which points to the existence of some extremely advanced culture or civilization which is currently so ancient that the possibility of its existence is not acknowledged (or even admitted as a possibility) by conventional academia, because its "orbit" is so much farther back in time than even the most-distant conventionally-recognized civilizations (such as ancient Egypt, ancient Mesopotamia, and the ancient Indus-Saraswati civilization, for example).

The analogy comparing the influence of a distant object whose gravitational impact upon closer objects reveals its existence, even before it is actually discovered, to some more ancient predecessor whose influence can be detected in later cultures or texts is a very powerful metaphor, and it has in fact been made before, as long ago as 1908.

In 1908, Olive Bray wrote in the introduction to his translation of the Poetic Edda (also known as the Elder Edda) that the existence of this older body of texts, containing some of our most important surviving sources of Norse mythology, was postulated before the manuscripts of the Poetic Edda itself came to light. The existence of some older body of Norse mythology could be perceived, Bray explained, by the observations of texts that we did have (including the Prose Edda or Younger Edda, also known as Snorri's Edda).

Bray specifically compared the existence of this older body of mythic text, whose influence could be seen on later texts even before the older source was finally revealed, to the discovery of the planet Neptune, in his 1908 introduction. He wrote:

The finding of the first and most complete MS ["manuscript," referring to the text of the Poetic or Elder Edda] was somewhat dramatic, and resembled the long-awaited discovery of the planet Neptune. Magnus Olafsson had suggested the former existence of a more "ancient Edda," and we soon find this hypothetical work regarded in the light of a hidden treasure of wisdom and ancient lore, of which all existing fragments were but "the bare shadow and the footprint" [page small-roman-numeral ii].

You can read the entire introduction for yourself, along with Olive Bray's translation of the Elder Edda (and the Norse text as well) in its entirety online here.

As I go on to say in my own discussion of the Norse myths (and their celestial foundation within the very same world-wide system of metaphor which underlies virtually all of the other myths, scriptures and sacred stories preserved among cultures on every inhabited continent and island of our planet), in Star Myths of the World and how to interpret them, Volume Four: Norse Mythology, published just over one year ago,

This charming metaphor is all the more appropriate in that it can also be used to describe the postulated existence of some presently-unknown but extremely influential culture or civilization of extreme antiquity, whose system of spiritual metaphor or mythology has somehow influenced the ancient myths, scriptures, and sacred stories of virtually every culture on our planet, including those which (like the outermost planets known prior to the discovery of Neptune) are the "farthest out" civilizations known to current historians and academics, such as the cultures of ancient Mesopotamia, ancient Egypt, ancient China, and the ancient Indus-Saraswati civilization.

We can see the influence of this even more extremely ancient culture, one now forgotten or at least unacknowledged, in the myths of cultures as widely dispersed in space and time as those of ancient Greece and ancient Mesopotamia and those which survived right up to the present century among the cultures of the Americas, of the islands of the vast Pacific, and of the Aboriginal people of Australia, as if the gravity of some enormous but distant body is subtly bending their "orbits" towards itself [page 31].

Below is a short video I recorded using my mobile phone discussing this metaphor (an attempt to add a video to "Instagram TV" -- because I was asked so many times at this year's CPAK whether I was using Instagram that I decided to give it a try). While recording it, I mistakenly referred to the Younger Edda as the "Poetic Edda," which is obviously an error, but if you look past that mistaken reference the metaphor should be fairly clear.

Olive Bray in 1908 used the gravitational influence of Neptune as a metaphor to describe the perceived influence of some even more ancient body of myth -- the Elder or Poetic Edda -- prior to the actual identification and confirmation of that older body of texts.

The metaphor is just as applicable today, to the influence of some extremely ancient, and thus far still unacknowledged, culture whose influence can be seen on even the "most-distant" civilizations known to conventional history. Its influence can be detected in archaeological evidence, but its influence can also be detected in the ancient myths, and the fact that the myths of cultures around the globe, on every inhabited continent and island of our planet, can be shown to be built upon the same world-wide celestial system (a system which was already fully mature by the time the very oldest texts of Egypt and Mesopotamia were written).

In other words, the evidence points compellingly to the conclusion that "there's something big out there," in the far reaches of remote antiquity, farther back than the guardians of conventional history has thus far allowed themselves to look.

The evidence for something big "out there" beyond the most distant known solar system objects continues to mount, and will eventually bring about a change in the paradigm that has prevailed up to now regarding the structure and mechanics of our solar system.

The evidence for something big "out there" in the remote antiquity far predating any conventionally-known ancient cultures is equally irresistible, and will eventually bring about a change in the paradigm that has prevailed up to now regarding the ancient history of humanity and our planet.

The ramifications of this paradigm shift will be enormous.