Once again, thank you to Andrew Tuzson and Christopher "C.K." Kingsley of Lost Origins for having me over for another enjoyable conversation -- this time, an in-person conversation which was recorded at this year's Conference on Precession and Ancient Knowledge over the weekend of October 4th through 6th of 2019 in Newport Beach, California (the interview itself was recorded on October 5th).

Welcome to any new visitors learning about my work for the first time through this particular podcast (and welcome back to returning friends)!

You can listen to (or download) our conversation using the embedded player above, or by visiting this page on the Lost Origins website.

I hope you will agree that the insights, background, personal experiences, and thoughtful questions which Andrew and CK bring to the conversation make for an extremely worthwhile and interesting discussion, touching on a variety of important and intriguing subjects related to the connection between the world's ancient myths and the aspects of the heavenly realms and celestial cycles.

For those who were not able to attend this year's Conference on Precession and Ancient Knowledge, you can purchase streaming video of most of the presentations -- including my presentation on "Stars, Myths, and Recovering your Self" -- by visiting this page at the CPAK website. As you can tell from some of the things Andrew and CK were saying in the "intro" and "outro" segments of this podcast, there were many amazing presentations given by fantastic researchers who have spent years researching in their areas of focus, and whose talks are very much worth hearing, watching, and pondering!

Below are some links to other posts and videos for those who wish to explore further some of the subjects we visited during our conversation:

I hope you will enjoy this episode of Lost Origins as much as Andrew, CK and I enjoyed recording it! Please visit their site to hear conversations with the many other speakers from this year's Conference on Precession and Ancient Knowledge, some yet to be released, and thank you for listening and sending feedback.