Above is a new video I've just published entitled "Inflicting Trauma to advance AI and Surveillance."

I think it is safe to say that almost no one at this point has not noticed things about the current situation which are difficult to explain -- that multiple aspects of the lockdown we have been subjected to for the past months do not appear to make any sense: there is something (many somethings, in fact) which simply does not add up.

This obvious assertion is not intended to minimize the reality of the biological agent itself (or biological agents) which undeniably exist (whether they evolved through natural or through directed processes) and which have hit certain areas around the globe, and certain vicinities in the US (urban areas in particular) with tremendous ferocity and tremendous impact on human life, and with tragic consequences.

We do not at this time know the origin of those biological agents, and anyone who says they know for certain is just wrong -- because definitive proclamations are completely premature at this point in time, but suffice it to say that I do not at all minimize the severity of the threat itself: what I am talking about is the response, numerous aspects of which simply do not add up.

They do not add up, that is, unless you understand what researchers like Douglas Valentine have been describing for many decades, backed up by tremendous amounts of evidence, which is the existence of criminal actors who literally "do everything in secret" and who deliberately and methodically employ lies, disinformation, propaganda, and all-out terror as tools to manipulate other men and women and to intentionally inflict trauma upon the other people in order to make them more easily manipulated and less effective at opposing exploitation and the violation of human rights.

The above video cites an interview with Douglas Valentine from one year ago, in conjunction with Memorial Day, 2019. That interview was conducted by Ricky Verandas, host of the Ripple Effect podcast (Episode #190):

When things that do not make sense suddenly begin to fall into place when placed into a new paradigm or framework, that can be a good indication that the previous framework was incorrect and that the new framework might be correct. It is not positive confirmation, but if additional evidence which also supports the new framework continues to turn up, then the weight of evidence may eventually confirm that the new framework or paradigm is valid.

In the case of the above-linked interview with Douglas Valentine, from Memorial Day one year ago, I would argue that the proposed framework or paradigm (namely, the existence of powerful groups acting in secret who actually have as their intent the traumatization of the populace in order to advance a specific agenda) does indeed help to explain much evidence from history -- going back to World War II and actually much further than that -- which the conventional framework or paradigm cannot explain.

Additionally, since that podcast (published a year ago, but so relevant today that everyone should take the time to listen to the entire interview at least once and if possible multiple times), we have all been going through an event which provides new evidence supporting the paradigm which Douglas Valentine has been researching and describing for over three decades.

Another important researcher, Whitney Webb, has recently uncovered documents created a year ago (in May 2019) in which powerful members of the national security state and Silicon Valley tech-company billionaires, along with members of academia and other related players, expressed the opinion that the US will fall behind China in the realm of artificial intelligence ("AI"), which they see as critical to national security and diplomacy -- will fall behind, that is, unless certain "structural changes" take place which are "nearly impossible to imagine in places as privacy conscious as the US and Europe."

Well, as Whitney points out in an article published in April, entitled "Tech Tyranny: How the US National Security State is using Coronavirus to fulfill and Orwellian Vision," those "structural changes" are not so "impossible to imagine" in Europe or the US just one year later -- in fact, they mirror the language being used by tech CEOs to describe "structural changes" that have taken place as a result of the current lockdown (and yes, those exact words are used not once but twice in a quotation from a tech CEO in an earnings call published just yesterday, May 21, 2020).

Is all this evidence mere coincidence, or is it possible that the paradigm Douglas Valentine is describing, in which secret actors employ deliberate propaganda in order to manipulate the populace, is in fact the correct framework for understanding history -- and the present situation?

Hint to the way I might answer that rhetorical question: my latest book, Myth and Trauma, provides evidence that deliberate misinformation, manipulation, and policies intentionally designed to inflict trauma upon men and women have been employed not just for decades but for centuries. Myth and Trauma also quotes Douglas Valentine, because his analysis and work is extremely important for everyone to understand, and matches a paradigm which I have also been exploring for many years, and which almost certainly goes back to ancient times.

If the current lockdown has as one of its goals the advancement of "structural changes" designed specifically to advance data collection and surveillance, in order to enable "our AI" to keep up with "China's AI," and if this agenda is being advanced through deliberate lies by members of the media and even by elected officials, then that is a clear violation of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, and the people need to wake up to that and demand the nullification of laws or policies which violate those principles, and which violate the inalienable rights given to each and every man and woman as their birthright.