Recently, a professional activist published statements declaring that depictions of "white Jesus and his European mother" are manifestations of "white supremacy" and "need to come down."

Above is a new video I've posted addressing some of these issues, entitled "Racial Jesus Arguments."

Inflammatory issues are easily used to "push buttons" and provoke unthinking reactions, and I very much suspect that this is exactly what is going on here -- as a means of trying to stir up division in order to distract attention from increased technological surveillance, militarization of society, and even possibly mandatory vaccinations which manipulate human DNA in ways that have never been used before.

Assertions that Jesus and his mother looked like this or looked like that  should be easily dismissed by now, with overwhelming evidence available to demonstrate that the stories of the New Testament (as well as in the rest of the Biblical scriptures, along with virtually all the other ancient myths and sacred stories around the globe) are based on celestial metaphor. 

Jesus and Mary can be definitively associated with specific constellations -- and constellations do not have "race" or "gender" or "ethnicity." 

As with virtually all of the world's ancient myths, scriptures and sacred stories, the stories and characters found in the Bible are esoteric in nature and designed to teach us deep truths about concepts we cannot see or touch, including the reality and importance of our authentic self, from whom we become alienated due to trauma, and the importance of recovering who we are.

Literalism by its very nature often devolves towards focus on the external and physical, and questions of "who is descended from whom" -- the very opposite of the focus of the ancient myths.

Thus, literalism tends to divide us from one another, when in fact the evidence that the world's myths are all built on the same foundation should unite us.

We need to come together and have compassion for one another.

Racial exploitation and oppression are very real problems, which nobody can deny -- problems which continue to this day and which very much need to be addressed and not dismissed or minimized.

But deliberately inflaming division with inflammatory statements about "how Jesus really looked" and with calls to tear down statues and stained-glass windows are not only wrong (since they are based on misguided literalistic interpretations of the biblical scriptures) but also harmful.

And they are the opposite of the tactics modeled by Dr. King before he was murdered by those who don't want to see us working together.

Publishing videos on sensitive subjects, including racial division, definitely invites negative reaction from some viewers -- and can tend to create self-censorship and the desire to avoid controversial topics (in order to stay with safe subjects that do not invite negative comments and "dislike" or "thumbs-down" ratings). However, I believe it is important to try to address divisive issues when division is being deliberately sown -- and when these divisive arguments are based upon flawed understanding of the world's ancient scriptures (and appear to be used to distract and divide the people in order to allow the roll-out of instruments of greater control and of economic austerity and exploitation). I try to point towards the ancient wisdom contained in the myths, which were given for our benefit and blessing, even in the very present moment and even in the midst of deliberately provocative tactics utilizing the most emotional topics available.

I try to point towards the ancient wisdom contained in the myths, which were given for our benefit and blessing, even in the very present moment and even in the midst of deliberately provocative tactics utilizing the most emotional topics available.

I hope that these videos can be helpful to some viewers, and can point us towards the wisdom given to every culture in the sacred traditions imparted in remote antiquity to all people.