2020 09 03 LTV episode art.jpg

Thank you to Joe Rupe and the team for inviting me back to Lighting the Void, and welcome to anyone visiting for the first time after hearing our conversation! And of course, welcome back to returning friends who visit regularly as well!

Our conversation was recorded on Thursday night, September 3rd, 2020. Technically, because the show starts at midnight Eastern time (and 9pm Pacific), the interview could be said to have taken place in the early hours of September 4 for those on the east coast and points further east from there. 

Here is a link to listen to our conversation (or download it to listen whenever you want) via iTunes. You can also find the audio files of this and the other available previous Lighting the Void shows here on iTunes, as well as in other podcast apps which are linked on this page (those apps are listed on the right side of the page, and have names such as SpotifyStitcherCastBox and Overcast). And of course, you can always just search the podcast app on your phone or mobile device (if you have one) for "Lighting the Void."

For those wishing to explore blog posts related to some of the topics we discussed, below are a few which come to mind based on the direction of my conversation with Joe:

I hope you will find something positive in our discussion from this visit with Joe Rupe and Lighting the Void, and whether you are visiting for the first time or have been here many hundreds of times, I hope you'll be back again soon!