Big Texas-sized "Thank-you" goes out to Brandon Thomas of the Expanding Reality Podcast for a fantastic conversation about stars, myths, ancient wisdom, the "Orpheus" myth-pattern world-wide, the crossing of the Red Sea, some important lessons for us from the myth of Perseus and Medusa, and a host of other related topics and fascinating tangents that I hope you will enjoy very much! I certainly did.

Here is the link to the above video of our conversation for ease of reference.

This interview was recorded on 13 November 2021.

I know you will enjoy Brandon's insights and personality and approach to podcasting -- please give him some positive feedback on his hard work, and share as appropriate!

You can also find the file at Apple Podcasts using this link (and provide Expanding Reality with a positive rating while you are there) and on Spotify using this link.

Thank you for watching and I hope that something in this video will be a blessing to you in some way!