A sincere "Mange Takk" to hosts Patrik Holmqvist and Martin Emander for inviting me over to their podcast, Radio Cui Bono, for a conversation about myths, metaphor, Higher Self, illusion, deception, and the search for truth.

Welcome to any new visitors hearing about this site for the first time as a result of this show! And of course welcome back to returning friends!

Here is the link to the above episode, where you can download the audio file, find some links related to topics we discussed, and leave comments and feedback. 

After the show, Patrik sent me a link to a video that he was describing during our conversation, about a cut in a granite block now on display in the Museum of Egyptian Antiquities in Cairo -- and I was pleasantly surprised to find that it was a video made by my friends at Adept Expeditions led by the deep-wisdom dynamic team of Karina Itzcoatl and Anyextee!

Overwhelming archaeological evidence from around the world argues that the conventional narrative of human history is gravely flawed and in need of radical revision -- and the evidence which shows beyond doubt that the world's ancient myths and sacred stories (from cultures on every inhabited continent and island of our earth) share a common foundation of celestial metaphor stands alongside the archaeological evidence to reinforce this conclusion.

In Radio Cui Bono, Patrik and Martin explore the evidence that much of the conventional narrative about a wide variety of subjects -- including historical events -- can be shown to be built on a foundation of lies and deception. While we may disagree on specific examples, the overall conclusion that deliberate deception is taking place cannot be denied.

This subject of course is very serious, and one which impacts all men, women and children on our globe. I am grateful to Patrik and Martin for hosting this conversation and I hope that the subjects discussed will be beneficial to you in some way.

Please give them some positive feedback and encouragement, and feel free to share with others who would would find this conversation to be of interest.