Special thank-you to Judith Kwoba for inviting me back to Nightflight for another thought-provoking conversation, this time on the subject of the mighty Trojan War and the ancient epic, the Iliad!

Welcome to any new visitors hearing about my work for the first time -- and of course to returning friends.

Above I have embedded the video of our conversation -- "Troy: The Celestial Story of Selfhood."

In this episode, we discuss some (but by no means all) of the overwhelming evidence which points to the conclusion that the story of the Trojan War, as recorded in the Iliad, is based on celestial metaphor from start to finish -- in common with ancient myth from around the globe, including not just the mythology of ancient Greece but also ancient Egypt, ancient Mesopotamia, ancient India, ancient China and Japan, and the myths and sacred stories of other cultures from every inhabited continent and island of our Earth: Africa, Australia, the Americas, western Europe, northern Europe, other parts of Asia, the stories in the Bible, and the sacred traditions of the cultures spread across islands of the vast Pacific.

This conversation was recorded on 16 May, 2021.

Previous conversations with Judith on Nightflight can be found in the "podcasts" section of my website. Here are two from 2020:  

I hope you will enjoy this discussion of some of the celestial and esoteric aspects of the story of the Trojan War. Please give Judith some positive feedback -- and support independent media and podcasts as much as you can!

Also, at around the 0:09:00-minute mark in the video, Judith notes that she understands the god Ea of ancient Babylon and Assyria (known as Enki to the Sumerians) to be associated with Aquarius, and understands Aquarius to be associated with Troy, and asks if that is a good jumping-off point for our discussion. I may not have answered that as clearly as I could have -- but in the conversation leading up to that question, I had just been providing some evidence of a connection between figures associated with the constellations Aquarius and figures associated with the constellation Ophiuchus in this ancient system of celestial metaphor. In my 2019 book The Ancient World-Wide System, I show that the god Enki / Ea can be confidently associated with the constellation Ophiuchus. And, as discussed in this video, the hero Hector of Troy can also be associated with Ophiuchus. Hector's arch-rival Achilles, however, can be associated with the figure of Aquarius, a constellation often associated with figures described as a "swift runner" in the Iliad -- as well as in many other myths of ancient Greece (as well as with running figures in the Bible). As I show in the video, and discuss at greater length in my 2016 book Star Myths of the World, Volume Two (Myths of Ancient Greece), the city of Troy itself can be confidently identified with the Great Square of Pegasus -- located in the sky not far from Aquarius.

Thank you for visiting and hope to see you again soon -- please feel free to peruse all the content in the past blog posts (now well over 1,300 in number), previous videos (now numbering over 150 -- you can find these in the "videos" section of the website, as well as on my YouTube channel here), the "resources" section of the website, the many previous podcasts in the archive, and of course my books which now total over 5,000 pages and even so have really only barely scratched the surface of the world's ancient myths and the overwhelming evidence which shows that they are built upon a common system of celestial metaphor.

The truth is up there . . . and the truth will prevail!