Did you know that the Emergency Declaration from September 11, 2001 was for one year (in order to enable Congress to have time to act), and it has been continually renewed every year since then?

Are we still in a state of emergency from September 11, 2001? Why?

Below is the renewal for this year, (2023) and below that, the renewal from last year (2022).

Both screenshots are from White House dot gov (you can search the site and find these yourself):

Below is the record showing that this same national emergency has been renewed every year since it was enacted in 2001, by presidents from both parties -- including seven times by GW Bush, eight times by Obama, four times by Trump, and now Biden continues the legacy:

Nobody in the major media questions this situation.

But then again, nobody in the major media questions the completely unbelievable "official narrative" that they themselves told us on September 11, 2001 and that they have continued to support without question for 22 years now.

Simon Shack has shown evidence that all the major media broadcasts on that day in 2001, as well as all the supposed "amateur videos" from September 11, were likely pre-fabricated or else fabricated after the fact, and has suggested that the area was evacuated on the morning of the demolition of multiple buildings in the WTC complex that day. This operation was then used to launch a "war on terror" as well as to declare a national emergency, which continues to be renewed every year to this day.

Here is an image from Wikipedia showing the destruction of a lot more buildings in the WTC complex than you have ever heard talked about in the major media:

If the major media and members of the government lied to you about what really took place on September 11, 2001 (and continue to do so, for 22 years straight and counting) then the question to be asked is whether you think you have a free country and a free media in the United States, and if not what you think you have.